Our Products
Media Buying & Selling System
The NEOSYS media system is adaptable and works well in both buying and selling environments. While it feels just right for a single user, it works well for large teams too.
If you or your team are still duplicating work by entering the same data for plans, orders and invoices using word processing software or spreadsheets; then having NEOSYS will radically improve your efficiency.
Whether you buy or sell media as part of your job, or are managing a multi-department agency, the NEOSYS Media Buying & Selling System will help you do your job better and faster.
It's just what you need to reduce your costs, minimise errors, save time spent on re-entering data into Finance, and identify the most effective media options.
Powerful Media Planning & Buying
NEOSYS is a new generation system which has been developed keeping in mind the needs of the changing times and the evolving needs of media professionals.
Cutting-edge Planning Tools
If you are responsible for strategic planning, use NEOSYS to plan cohesive and integrated media campaigns in a few simple steps. Plan by week, month, or even for a year in advance. NEOSYS makes it easy for you to generate alternatives for clients to choose from.

Detailed Media Plans
Detailed media plans can be entered directly or generated from strategic plans and emailed directly to clients for approval.

Booking Orders
Media Booking Orders can be automatically generated from Media Schedules and emailed or faxed directly to suppliers.

Media Diary
NEOSYS includes a powerful Media Diary so you can filter and order all your ads regardless of source:
- Follow up executions ad by ad
- Export to Microsoft Excel
- Summarize and drill down on totals and sub-totals
- Powerful filtering options enable you to focus on precisely the ads you want

Build your own private media database
NEOSYS' media database gives users instant access to the information users need such as Rate cards with rates, discounts, commission, loadings, charges and tax

Complete integration with Microsoft Office
ALL NEOSYS documents can be opened with Word, Excel with a single click.

Built-in safeguards
Every ad should be profitable
NEOSYS' profitability check on every ad gives you a real-time profitability guarantee for all ads. NEOSYS makes it easy to prevent losses due to errors.
Safety net warning of conflicting ads
NEOSYS automatically alerts users about conflicting ads between different clients and brands on for the same publication or program break. This intelligent function also warns of competitive brands in the same media.
Easy to verify appearance of ads
Voucher copies and broadcast certificates received from media suppliers can be entered into NEOSYS against the booked ads, helping you to correctly invoice clients and authorise payments to suppliers. It also tracks which supplier invoices are pending.

Media Invoicing
All invoices can be generated automatically from the Media System, saving time and eliminating manual inaccuracies.
- Send invoices to clients via email and PDF or print them
- Invoice all ads, or only certified ads
- Invoice all together or split by media
- Control the information that appears on the invoice
- Issue credit notes automatically
The financial entries after creating invoices or credit notes are automatically posted with supplier cost accrual to the accounting system, eliminating the need for manual data entry.

Ready to go set of billing analysis reports that you can customize
NEOSYS tracks results from each ad and gives comprehensive and powerful Billing Analysis for post-buy analytics to help you get the most from every spend.

General Features
Instant emailing of all documents
ALL NEOSYS documents are e-friendly and can be emailed with a single click.
Digital asset management
NEOSYS indexes reference ad layouts, collateral material, or any other digital file in its central repository and is linked to each schedule number. It can be retrieved at any time for future reference. Move to a paperless office with NEOSYS and gain a sustainable marketing advantage.
Client records management
NEOSYS provides a simplified client database system which can handle multiple brands under each client and manage currency, payment terms, fees, discount, tax and other operational functions which can be customized for each client.
Supplier records management
Vendor management is a critical part of running a successful agency. With NEOSYS, all vendor information is available immediately at hand. Add a vendor once and use it again and again without re-entering their information.
Multiple markets/multiple currencies/multiple offices
NEOSYS is designed to handle multiple currencies - all at the same time – to facilitate operations in multiple markets - across multiple offices.
Complete version history of all documents
The bottom of every document has a list of who changed the document and when. Click to review any previous version.